WORKING: This week involved a lot of commuting down to DC for the day job, which didn’t leave much time for anyone else. I did start tossing around some ideas for Iron Circus Comics’s new anthology Tim’rous Beastie, though, which is pretty exciting. I’m thinking…Home Alone + rats + Baltimore…

And the team was working down to the wire to get tomorrow’s update ready. It’s probably our most intense story so far, and Jabari Weathers‘s art is just *mwah*. If you want to see it now, you can check out our Patreon campaign. And Patrons get a special bonus for this particular story–they get to see this story in color! More on that later.

PLAYING: I’m still playing Elder Scrolls Online, and it’s still fun. It’s also a good excuse to hang out with folks I don’t get to see that often.

I also hopped back on Overwatch for the first time in months last night. Man, why hadn’t I been playing Pharah? She’s tons of fun! You might even say…a blast.


CONSUMING: I’m working on catching up on my single-issue comics right now. I sorted my stack by how many issues I was behind. Three was the most, so I’m tackling those first. Good news! There weren’t that many.

My first target was Detective Comics, which is in the midst of the Victim Syndicate arc. I dig it. I like the Bat-family more than I like the man himself, so spending time with Batwoman and Spoiler is fun for me. I do wish the villain design was little more interesting. The First Victim looks a lot like Mr. Bloom and I’m over creepy-gangly-egg-head dudes with mysterious identities.

Also, David Zavimbe will always be my Batwing.

Okay, that’s enough Big 2 fanboying. What have you been up to this week?